Knowing God, Sharing Life



Click here for Jr Youth details

Hello Youth, Parent and Volunteers,

Every year as we head into June I find myself reflecting back on this past year. We have had another incredible year at COR13 Youth. We have averaged 50 youth each week. We enjoyed an awesome winter camp together at Gull Lake, we had an epic Power Night, and the volunteer team was able to run everything for 2 months so that I could take a Sabbatical. I am so grateful to every parent, every teenager, and every volunteer leader who has supported, participated and shown up this year.
And it’s not over yet!!…
Upcoming Dates:
May 31st – Regular Youth Night & COR12 Meeting
June 7th – Grad Night! Come join us to celebrate this year’s graduates! All are welcome. The program will begin by 7:15 and will focus on the grads for the first 50 minutes of the program. We will then shift back into our regular youth night with musical worship, a message and small groups afterward.
June 14th – Ask Anything! This is a normal youth night, but instead of the usual message, Pastor Andrew will be answering questions from the ask anything box
June 21st – Ask Anything! Andrew continues to answer the most pressing questions that teenagers are asking!
June 28th – YOUTH WRAP-UP! As tradition dictates, we will have some kind of water themed activities on this youth night, youth should come prepared to get wet. I recommend a change of clothes, a towel and dark clothing that can get messy! We will also be having a SERVE send-off that day.
We have a total of 17 youth signed up for SERVE this year! Final details are still being organized, but it appears that the fundraising has been successful. Thank you to everyone who helped or bought cookies! The team will be departing on June 30th from Brightview Church in the morning. As a result we will be doing a prayer and send-off at youth on the 28th. There will also be a prayer and sending on the 30th in the morning before the group departs. I will send a follow-up e-mail with planned departure time for those who want to come and send off the team.
This year has been so great and I don’t want it to end… so it won’t! We are going to continue doing youth in the summer, though it might look a little bit different! We will be meeting 4 times (July 19th, August 2nd, 16th, 30th). The Young Adults group will be assissting me in supervising and planning the program. Program will run from 7-9pm in the summer as we will not have small group time.
Church Spring Clean!
This Saturday, June 1st, we will be doing a spring cleaning at the church. There are lots of jobs to do and lots of little corners that need some attention! As our youth group is a significant contributor to needed maintenance at the church, i would like to encourage any and all youth available on Saturday to come out and join us in keeping our awesome building clean and functioning well.
Church Community Picnic
On June 23rd, We will be having our annual church picnic. Service begins at 10am and it looks like it will be an epic baptism service, so I highly recommend coming out to celebrate new life with Christ then stay after the service for a hamburger, field game fun, and good company.
Okay, I think that is all for today! Wow, lots going on in June! Thank-you all again for an awesome year of youth ministry. Please continue to pray for our volunteer leaders and for me as we begin thinking about September!
                                                       – Youth Pastor Andrew Bird

6:30 – 7:20 – Come hang out at the church. 
7:20 – 8:00 – Group Building Activity
8:00 – 8:25 – Worship (music and prayer)
8:25 – 8:55 – Message
8:55 – 9:30 – Small Groups; kids break in to groups of peers and are lead in a discussion time by volunteer leaders
9:30 – midnight – “After Youth” ; Hang out as long as you would like, but make sure you have a way to get home!


For questions please contact Andrew by
Cell Phone: 780-335-4080


COR13 Bible Study!