Knowing God, Sharing Life



Click here for Jr Youth details


Hello Youth, Parent and Volunteers,
It is September and we are getting ready for another exciting program year of COR13 YOUTH!
Updating the Email list
First piece of business is to let me know of any updates needed to this e-mail list. I will be using this e-mail list to send 1 e-mail a month, and only sending additional emails if it is necessary that I be able to contact as many people as possible with a change to the program plan! If you wish to be removed from this list please let me know before the last week of September so that you do not receive more emails. If you know someone who should be on this list but did not get this e-mail please have them contact me so that I can add them to the monthly update.
September Program Dates
Sept 6 – KICK OFF!!! Come on out for the first night of this program year, reconnect with your small group and leaders, and enjoy an epic activity, music and message!
Sept 13 – Regular youth Night
Sept 20 – Regular Youth Night plus COR12 Meeting (see below for how COR12 will work this year and who can be involved!)
This year COR12 will be a bit different. During our recent SERVE trip a student asked me what I really wanted COR12 to be, and I answered that I wanted COR12 to be a group of students who wanted to go deeper, who wanted to really begin to understand and live in response to Jesus. So COR12 this year will happen once a month. Students in grade 10-12 can come to the church at 5pm for a COR12 study that is intended to take them deeper into knowing God, challenge them to live it out in their daily lives and report back on the experiences (good or bad) that follow. COR12 will be defined by discipleship and accountability.
Hoody and T-shirt Orders!
Last year I was asked by some of you if i could do the Hoody and T-shirt orders earlier in the year, so I am! This year order forms will be sent home on the first youth night! I have already put together a design that aligns with this years message theme and will be revealed at Kick-off! Order deadline will be set for September 20th! orders should then arrive by Mid October
Fall Retreat!
Last year we did a youth retreat to Gull Lake, and by popular demand we will be doing it again! This years retreat will be on the weekend of October 25-27. Registrations will be available soon, deadline will be for October 11th.
This past spring we took 17 youth to Prince Albert Saskatchewan to SERVE the community there! it was a great week! Next Spring SERVE is being held in Whitehorse Yukon! This will require us to fly instead of drive and to coordinate more complicated travel plans. So, students and families need to be considering participating in SERVE much earlier this year! We will need to start fundraising and need confirmations much earlier than May so that we can book flights. So please put this on your radar for the year.
Our first fundraiser will be to offer cookies with the coffee on Sunday Mornings following the church service. I would like a team of students to volunteer to serve cookies at the coffee station and inform anyone who asks that the donations made will go toward the SERVE mission trip to Whitehorse Yukon. Students ready for this fundraiser should talk to me as soon as possible so that I can form a rotation and source the cookies.
Thank-you all for your support and participation in the COR13 Youth Group! I am excited for another great program year and looking forward to seeing everyone on Friday!  Don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions, concerns or email adjustments you might have!
                                                       – Youth Pastor Andrew Bird

6:30 – 7:20 – Come hang out at the church. 
7:20 – 8:00 – Group Building Activity
8:00 – 8:25 – Worship (music and prayer)
8:25 – 8:55 – Message
8:55 – 9:30 – Small Groups; kids break in to groups of peers and are lead in a discussion time by volunteer leaders
9:30 – midnight – “After Youth” ; Hang out as long as you would like, but make sure you have a way to get home!



For questions please contact Andrew by
Cell Phone: 780-335-4080


COR13 Bible Study!
