Navigating Conflict Seminar

As people, we are designed to enter many different kinds of relationships. The greatest, and often most difficult relationship of all is that of marriage. When two purposefully designed people, with their purposefully designed distinctions come together, conflict is inevitable.


Conflict is not something to be avoided but rather managed well. In fact, it is through well manageable conflict that relationships grow the most. Each person discovers the opportunity to be heard and understood; the freedom of forgiving and being forgiven, and the joy of experience reconciliation and celebration. This seminar is intended to provide the tools to Navigate Conflict well.

We welcome Simon & Ruth Clarence of the Clarence Counselling Center to teach and facilitate this seminar (

It’ll be a fun and interactive opportunity to: Give & Receive Criticism, Forgive and Rebuild, Manage Anger, Fight Fair & Apologize

Where: Lone Ridge Hall

When: November 21st, 9:30am-3pm

Cost: $20/person (Save the date: Parenting seminar, Mar 5, 2016, Both seminars: $30/person)

Lunch & Childcare provided!!

To Register: Call 780 352-6305 or fill in the form below.

* indicates required field


Navigating Conflict Seminar Flyer